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CAM HUNTERS is a collaborative art/media performance and research-creation project between artists Julia Chan and STÉFY. Cam Hunters seeks to reveal and interrogate the increasing presence of surveillance, in all its forms, in our lives. We do this through a range of projects, such as performances, creating satirical videos, recording a podcast, and offering critical tools. We are available for consultations, performances, and exhibitions.



Voyeur Cam Specialist: Julia Chan

Julia Chan is a mixed-race settler, writer, artist, and academic living in Mohkinstsis/Calgary. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Film at the University of Calgary. Her work explores surveillance, culture, race, horror, sexual violence, and technology, and has been published in journals such as the Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Media Practice and Education, and Porn Studies. A collection to which she contributed a chapter, Screening #MeToo: Rape Culture in Hollywood (SUNY Press, 2022), edited by Lisa Funnell and Ralph Beliveau, won the 2023 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award. She always feels like someone is watching her.

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Cam Hunters Assistant: Amanda Zanco

Amanda is a Brazilian writer, designer, and PhD Candidate at the Department of Communication, Media, and Film at the University of Calgary. 


Her research explores the aesthetic and political complexities of visual representation of migration experiences, in particular, exploring migrant women artists' self-authored narratives. She holds a Master's degree in Social Communication from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Summa cum Laude) and a Bachelor's degree in Publicity and Advertising from the same institution. Amanda was awarded an international scholarship to pursue studies in Audiovisual Communication at Universidad de Burgos, Spain. She loves to explore her creativity in artistic projects such as poetry, film/photo editing, graphic design and interior design, and she loves to travel. Also, she is fascinated by lyrical jazz, contemporary and ballet, as dance was part of her life for years. Amanda is a crazy and amazing dog mommy.  

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Dispatcher: Charlie

ERROR 891: No information found.

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Rural Cam Specialist: STÉFY

STÉFY is a white settler, non-binary artist-scholar based in Katarokwi/Kingston. They are an Assistant Professor in the Bachelor of Media Production and Design at Carleton University on unceded Algonquin Territory. Their work explores surveillance as a contemporary form of colonialism in now called Canada post-9/11 through the methodology of research-creation. STÉFY is interested in the ways that citizens use surveillance cameras in rural and forested areas, surveillance as a logic for colonialism, and function-creep as a creative method of producing knowledges. STÉFY likes (loves) true-love, beaches, shinny objects, spaghetti, and nature. STÉFY dislikes mushrooms, scratchy textures, car rides (that make them nauseous), and has a fear of aliens. 


Cam Hunters Assistant: Alba Daza

Alba Daza is an emerging Latinx filmmaker/education/consultant based in Wakefield, QC. She graduated from the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema with a focus on production and social justice. She is currently in the second year of her Master’s at Carleton University. Her art focuses on telling and celebrating the stories of marginalized voices, giving them space to breathe and thrive. Through her consulting and research, she is exploring the lasting legacy of colonialism in Western Popular culture and finding ways to reframe the insidious narratives.

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Cruising Cam Specialist: Miles Kenyon

Miles has a MA student from Carleton University, where he studied how queer communities discuss surveillance in the context of casual sexual encounters. He reads tarot, pets dogs, and fantasizes about being stranded on a desert island.

Vigilance is the new black
IIMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Cam Hunters is an art performance and research-creation project created by media artists Julia Chan and STÉFY. Our aim is to create scholarly art and critical tools to interrogate the increasing presence of surveillance, in all its forms, in our lives. Certifications, investigations, and exploratory events are strictly performance. For more information, please contact us at

© 2028 by Cam Hunters. Copyright of Stéfy McKnight and Julia Chan

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